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Dr. Joan Braune: “Cultural Marxism”: How An Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory About the Frankfurt School Is Going Mainstream and Undermining Antiracist Education

29. November 2021 @ 19:30 - 21:00

29. November 2021 – Dr. Joan Braune

“Cultural Marxism”: How An Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory About the Frankfurt

School Is Going Mainstream and Undermining Antiracist Education (Vortrag findet in

englischer Sprache statt)


19:30: Livestream via Youtube



How An Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory About the Frankfurt School Is Going Mainstream and

Undermining Antiracist Education

“Cultural Marxism” is an antisemitic conspiracy theory about Jewish Marxist scholars

belonging to the Frankfurt School. According to the conspiracy theory, these scholars

implemented a slow takeover of “culture,” seeking to undermine Christianity, family, and

nation in favor of a new worldview and international system of control, involving embracing

diversity, sexual liberation, and moral and aesthetic decline. The conspiracy theorists believe

that “cultural Marxism” now controls all areas of public life, including the media, schools,

entertainment, the economy, and national and global systems of governance. Not only does

this theory vastly overestimate the influence of a small group of Jewish intellectuals; it

repackages old antisemitic tropes and serves as an updated, post-Cold War version of the

Nazi “Judeo-Bolshevism” conspiracy theory.

The cultural Marxism conspiracy theory is popular among fascists and white supremacists,

and has inspired mass shootings, including the attacks by Norwegian white nationalist

Anders Breivik in 2011. However, the conspiracy theory is also making its way into the

conservative mainstream. It has been favorably referenced by some conservative politicians

around the world, often in the context of attacks on education and academic freedom. In the

United States, the cultural Marxism conspiracy theory is increasingly merging with conspiracy

theories about “Critical Race Theory” which aim to shut down anti-racist education in schools

and workplaces. Conspiracy theories about “Critical Race Theory” and “cultural Marxism”

trade on similar fears. For example, both conspiracy theories claim that teachers are using

Critical Race Theory or Cultural Marxism to suppress “free speech” or “make white children

feel ashamed.” Since the “cultural Marxism” conspiracy theory is often merging with

conspiracy theories targeting other minority groups, overcoming its influence may require

uniting in solidarity against a variety of conspiracy theories targeting Jews as well as other

minority groups.


Dr. Joan Braune is a Lecturer in Philosophy at Gonzaga University, and her current research

explores Frankfurt School Critical Theory’s work on fascism and applies Critical Theory

insights to countering the rise of fascism and far-right movements today, especially in the

United States. She is author of the book Erich Fromm’s Revolutionary Hope: Prophetic

Messianism as a Critical Theory of the Future (Sense Publishers 2014) and co-editor with

Kieran Durkin of Erich Fromm’s Critical Theory: Hope, Humanism and the Future

(Bloomsbury 2020). She has written numerous articles, including “Who’s Afraid of the

Frankfurt School? ‘Cultural Marxism’ as an Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory.” She is a frequent

speaker on countering hate groups, is active in the Gonzaga Institute for Hate Studies, and

serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Hate Studies. She has helped organize locally

against white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups active in the U.S. Pacific Northwest.


Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Aktionswochen gegen Antisemitismus Köln. Veranstaltet vom Bündnis gegen Antisemitismus Köln, dem AStA der Universität zu Köln und der Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft AG Köln. Unterstützt von der Amadeu Antonio Stiftung.


29. November 2021
19:30 - 21:00


Bündnis gegen Antisemitismus Köln
AStA der Universität zu Köln